Thursday 17 October 2013

Error: You need to install the missing perl modules and then install csf in DirectAdmin

If you end up with the error "Error: You need to install the missing perl modules and then install csf in DirectAdmin"

Running the following commands should fix the issue. 

# yum install perl-Time-HiRes
# yum install perl-libwww-perl

Sunday 6 October 2013

vzquota : (error) Quota on syscall for id XXX: Device or resource busy

If you get this error, it means that some file from VE private area was in use. Here XXX is the vps id.

#vzctl restart XXX
Restarting container
Starting container...
vzquota : (error) Quota on syscall for id XXX: Device or resource busy
vzquota : (error) Possible reasons:
vzquota : (error) - Container's root is already mounted
vzquota : (error) - there are opened files inside Container's private area
vzquota : (error) - your current working directory is inside Container's
vzquota : (error) private area
vzquota : (error) Currently used file(s):

To fix this, run the following command and find out if any process using the files in VE private area.

# lsof 2> /dev/null | egrep '/vz/root/XXX | /vz/private/XXX'

If any process lists,  kill those process and try start the VPS again.

And you should now able to start the vps without any issue...!!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Error in Kloxo: Could not open database connection

If you get the below error while trying to access Kloxo Control Panel

Could not open database connection

You can fix it by excecuting below commands from the server.

#mysql -u root -p
mysql> grant all on kloxo.* to kloxo@localhost identified by '{new password}';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit
Then do,

#cat "{new password}" > usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/conf/kloxo.pass
#sh /script/restart
Replace "new password " with your password in above commands.

This will fix the issue !!!